uPortal 2016-11-14 Webproxy Portlet caching vulnerability

This is a public disclosure of a security vulnerability, near the tail end of applying the uPortal Security Incident Response Plan to this issue.

Affected software products:

  • Webproxy Portlet , versions 2.0.0 through 2.2.1 . 2.2.2 includes a fix.

Recent uPortal versions ship with bugged Webproxy Portlet versions.


Affected versions

  • By default, cache proxied content, and
  • Require a source code edit to turn off this default behavior, and
  • Improperly compute the cache keys such that in some cases too little information is considered in computing cache keys.


  • Most adopters will not have locally turned off this caching strategy even if it is inappropriate for local usages, and
  • Usages where different users proxy the same backing URL may yield improper cross-user cache hits, with user B seeing content proxied for user A.

Saving graces:

  • For security purposes, this only matters if the proxies are interesting, providing personalized content.
  • Usages with unique URLs, such as where user attributes are conveyed as request parameters in the URL or the initial request in a typical Proxy CAS integration, will not yield improper cache hits.


  • Upgrade to Webproxy Portlet version 2.2.2 or later.
  • Locally modify your Webproxy Portlet 2 implementation to turn off caching, by de-activating or removing CachingHttpContentServiceImpl and instead activating HttpContentServiceImpl.


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