Guy walks into an Auto Shop

A true story inspired by real events. Seriously. Bryan Cranston has been approached for the role of the “Guy”.

A guy walks into an auto shop, calls over a mechanic and says:

  • Hey there! I have been trying to use my car for the past 3 days. It doesn’t work. Drives very badly. I remember taking it to a car wash and then a friend drove it around for a while. After that, it stopped working. Can you help?
  • Sure. Do you have your car with you?
  • I am afraid I don’t.
  • No problem. Do you know the model and the year of the car?
  • I am not sure I do. My attorney handles all of that.
  • OK. What symptoms does it show?
  • I guess it just makes this weird noise when I honk the horn.
  • When was the last time you took it to the shop? Any previous diagnostics, issues, history of failures?
  • It was a while ago. My son asked me to get it checked out years ago. I suppose he worries too much. Do you think his worrying might have anything to do with the car sluggish performance?
  • No.
  • OK. Well, I really appreciate any suggestions you might have. What are your thoughts?
  • My thoughts?
  • Yes.
  • Well, I think The Piano Guys are terrific. You should check them out.
  • Pardon me?

Mechanic walks away. Camera slowly fades away into the horizon with smooth piano music playing in the background.


Misagh Moayyed

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