CAS 5.0.x Integration w/ Apache ZooKeeper

Contributed Content
Giovanni Morelli (Email: giannimorell at, Github: @GiovanniMorelli) was kind enough to share this guide.

I have created a cas-server-core-configuration-cloud-zookeeper module for CAS 5.0.4 based on cas-server-core-configuration-cloud-mongo When CAS is started, it reads all properties under zookeeper’s path: /cas/config/cas without the need to configure

The project source code is available here.


  • Add parameter in
  • Add configurations on Zookeeper. Example: https://localhost:9327
  • Start CAS.


Download the codebase for CAS 5.0.4 first and add the project source code into the core directory.

Make the following changes:

  • settings.gradle (Root project)
    • Add include "core:cas-server-core-configuration-cloud-zookeeper"
  • (Root project)
    • Update version zookeeper : zookeeperVersion=3.4.10
    • Add springCloudZookeeperVersion=1.0.4.RELEASE
  • build.gradle (into project cas-server-core-configuration-cloud-zookeeper)
description = "Apereo CAS Core Configuration - Zookeeper"

dependencies {
  compile libraries.springboot
  compile libraries.spring
  compile libraries.springcloud
  compile libraries.zookeeper

Classes used in the ZooKeeper project:


Build the codebase with gradlew clean build --parallel -x test -x javadoc -x check.


Add this configuration in pom.xml:



  • When you add a new configuration to Zookeeper, reload the configuration property automatically in CAS.

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