CAS Protocol - Ticket Validation

Certain aspects of the ticket validation process, as noted by the CAS protocol specification, can be customized and augmented using your own dedicated implementations.

:warning: Caution

Altering the internal mechanics of a CAS server may lead to a problematic insecure configuration and may also jeopradize the population of giant pandas. Such customizations should only be applied if absolutely necessary when all other alternatives are considered and ruled out.

  • You can control whether a ticket validation event can be authorized to allow the operation to proceed. This may be done by providing a dedicated implementation of ServiceTicketValidationAuthorizer and registering it with the appropriate configuration plan:

    public ServiceTicketValidationAuthorizerConfigurer ticketValidationAuthorizer() {
        return plan -> plan.registerAuthorizer(...);
  • Per the CAS Protocol, validating service tickets requires a service parameter that is expected to be the identifier of the service for which the service ticket was issued. In other words, CAS requires and enforces an exact match between the given service identifier and one that was supplied originally for ticket creation. To do so, you should start by designing your own configuration component to include the following bean:

    public ServiceMatchingStrategy serviceMatchingStrategy() {
        return new MyServiceMatchingStrategy(...);

See this guide to learn more about how to register configurations into the CAS runtime.