You are viewing the development documentation for the Apereo CAS server. The functionality presented here is not officially released yet. This is a work in progress and will be continually updated as development moves forward. You are most encouraged to test the changes presented.
The default styles are all contained in one single file located in src/main/resources/static/css/cas.css
. This
location is set in
. CAS by default uses library
and design specification as a base for its user experience.
If you would like to create your own css/my.css file
, for example, you will need to update cas.standard.css.file
key in that file.
Please note that,
- Multiple CSS or Javascript files can be defined and separated by a comma.
- The order of the files is important. The files are loaded in the order they are defined.
- CAS will always load a
by default to allow for overrides and customizations.
Responsive Design
CSS media queries bring responsive design features to CAS which would allow the adopter to focus
on one theme for all appropriate devices and platforms. These queries are defined in the
same cas.css
file. They follow the Twitter Bootstrap breakpoints and grid.
If you need to add some JavaScript, feel free to append src/main/resources/static/js/cas.js
You can also create your own custom javascript file, for example, and call it from within scripts.html
like so:
<script type="text/javascript" src="/js/my.js"></script>
If you are developing themes per service, each theme also has the ability
to specify a custom cas.js
file under the cas.standard.js.file
Most importantly, the following Javascript libraries are utilized by CAS automatically:
Script Loading
CAS provides a callback function that allows adopters to be notified when script loading has completed and this would be a safe time to execute/load other Javascript-related functions that depend on JQuery inside the actual page.
function jqueryReady() {
// Custom Javascript tasks can be carried out now via JQuery...
CAS will display a brief warning when the CAPSLOCK key is turned on during the typing
of the credential password. This check is enforced by the cas.js
Browser Cookie Support
For CAS to honor a single sign-on session, the browser MUST support and accept cookies. CAS will notify the
user if the browser has turned off its support for cookies. This behavior is controlled via the cas.js
Preserving Anchor Fragments
Anchors/fragments may be lost across redirects as the server-side handler of the form post ignores the client-side anchor, unless appended to the form POST url. This is needed if you want a CAS-authenticated application to be able to use anchors/fragments when bookmarking. CAS is configured by default to preserve anchor fragments where and when specified. There is nothing further for you to do.
WebJARs for Javascript/CSS Libraries
The CAS application packages third party static resources inside the CAS webapp rather than referencing CDN links so that CAS may be deployed on networks with limited internet access.
The Third party static resources are packaged in “WebJAR” jar files and served up via the servlet 3.0
that merges any folders under META-INF/resources
in web application jars with the application’s web root.
Building WebJARs
You can search for webjars at There are three flavors of WebJARs that you can read about but the NPM and Bower types can be created automatically for any version (if they don’t already exist) as long as there exists an NPM or Bower package for the web resources you want to use. Click the “Add a webjar” button and follow the instructions. If customizing the UI in an overlay, the deployer can add webjars as dependencies to their overlay project and reference the URLs of the resource directly in an html file.