You are viewing the development documentation for the Apereo CAS server. The functionality presented here is not officially released yet. This is a work in progress and will be continually updated as development moves forward. You are most encouraged to test the changes presented.
Authentication Interrupts Trigger Modes
Authentication interrupts and notifications are executed in the overall flow using one of the following strategies. The trigger strategy is defined globally via CAS settings.
This is the default strategy that allows the interrupt query to execute after the primary authentication event and before the single sign-on event. This means an authenticated user has been identified by CAS and by extension is made available to the interrupt, and interrupt has the ability to decide whether a single sign-on session can be established for the user.
Can We SSO Into Links?
No. The collection of
are just links and are not tied in any way to the CAS authentication sequence, meaning they do not activate a state, transition or view in that sequence to trigger CAS into generating tickets, executing certain actions, etc. Any link in this collection is exactly that; just a link. If a link points to applications that are integrated with CAS, accessing those applications via the link will prompt the user for credentials again specially if single sign-on isn't already established. Remember that interrupt notifications typically execute after the authentication step and before any single sign-on session is created. -
Alternatively, the interrupt query can execute once the single sign-on session has been established. In this mode, the authenticated user has been identified by CAS and linked to the single sign-on session. Note that interrupt here loses the ability to decide whether a single sign-on session can be established for the user, and interrupt responses indicating this option will have no impact, since the query and interrupt responses happen after the creation of the SSO session.
Can We SSO Into Links?
Yes. In this strategy, links to external applications presented by the interrupt response should be able to take advantage of the established single sign-on session.
Note that as of this writing, interrupt trigger modes are global and cannot be controlled or defined on a per-application basis. The construction of the authentication interrupt workflow is burned into the CAS webflow at initialization time and is not alterable at runtime depending on the application or the user.