Apereo CAS - Keeping Healthy with Spring Boot

Learn how you may keep your Apereo CAS deployment healthy, monitoring its status using Spring Boot actuator endpoints and health indicators.

CAS 6.1.0 RC1 Feature Release

...in which I present an overview of CAS 6.1.0 RC1 release.

Apereo CAS - SAML2 Identity Provider Integration w/ InCommon

Learn how Apereo CAS may act as a SAML2 identity provider to integrate with service providers from metadata aggregates such as InCommon with various attribute release policies for research and scholarship, etc.

CAS 6.1.x Deployment - WAR Overlays

Learn how to configure and build your own CAS deployment via the WAR overlay method, get rich quickly, stay healthy indefinitely and respect family and friends in a few very easy steps.

Apereo CAS - Have you been pawned?

Learn how Apereo CAS may be configured to check for pawned passwords and warn the user, using the haveibeenpawned.com service

Apereo CAS - OohLala Mobile SAML2 Integration

Learn how to integrate OohLala Mobile with Apereo CAS running as a SAML2 identity provider.

Apereo CAS - Cranium Cafe SAML2 Integration

Learn how to integrate Cranium Cafe with Apereo CAS running as a SAML2 identity provider.

Apereo CAS - eLumen SAML2 Integration

Learn how to integrate eLumen with Apereo CAS running as a SAML2 identity provider.