Apereo CAS - Rave SAML2 Integration

Learn how to integrate Rave with Apereo CAS running as a SAML2 identity provider.

Apereo CAS - HireTouch SAML2 Integration

Learn how to integrate HireTouch with Apereo CAS running as a SAML2 identity provider.

Apereo CAS - Microsoft Office 365 SAML2 Integration

Learn how to integrate Microsoft Office 365 with Apereo CAS running as a SAML2 identity provider.

Apereo CAS - HappyFox SAML2 Integration

Learn how to integrate HappyFox with Apereo CAS running as a SAML2 identity provider.

Apereo CAS - Cisco Webex SAML2 Integration

Learn how to integrate Cisco Webex with Apereo CAS running as a SAML2 identity provider.

Apereo CAS - VMware Identity Manager SAML2 Integration

Learn how to integrate VMware Identity Manager with Apereo CAS running as a SAML2 identity provider.

CAS 6.0.0 RC4 Feature Release

...in which I present an overview of CAS 6.0.0 RC4 release.

Apereo CAS - Scripting Multifactor Authentication Triggers

Learn how Apereo CAS may be configured to trigger multifactor authentication using Groovy conditionally decide whether MFA should be triggered for internal vs. external access, taking into account IP ranges, LDAP groups, etc.