Apereo CAS 6.0.x - Building CAS Feature Modules

An overview of how various CAS features modules today can be changed and tested from the perspective of a CAS contributor working on the codebase itself to handle a feature request, bug fix, etc.

CAS 6.0.x Deployment - WAR Overlays

Learn how to configure and build your own CAS deployment via the WAR overlay method, get rich quickly, stay healthy indefinitely and respect family and friends in a few very easy steps.

Apereo CAS - Jib at CAS Docker Images

Learn how you may use Jib, an open-source Java containerizer from Google, and its Gradle plugin to build CAS docker images seamlessly without stepping too deep into scripting Dockerfile commands.

Apereo CAS 6 - Administrative Endpoints & Monitoring

Gain insight into your running Apereo CAS 6 deployment in production. Learn how to monitor and manage the server by using HTTP endpoints and gather metrics to diagnose issues and improve performance.

Apereo CAS - SAML2 Metadata with MongoDb

CAS distributed SAML2 metadata management using MongoDB, where you learn how to store metadata documents inside MongoDB for CAS as a SAML2 identity provider and all other registered SAML2 service providers.

Apereo CAS - Slurp Configuration with Groovy

Learn how CAS configuration may be consumed via Groovy to simplify and consolidate settings for multiple deployment environments and profiles.

Apereo CAS - Configuration Management with MongoDb

CAS distributed configuration management using MongoDb, where you learn how to store and secure CAS configuration settings and properties inside MongoDb.

Apereo CAS - Integration with HashiCorp Vault

CAS distributed configuration management using HashCorp Vault, where you learn how to store and secure CAS configuration settings and properties inside Vault.