Why does uPortal use Apache 2 license?

Apache2 chose uPortal.

Apereo CAS - Attribute-based Application Authorization

A walkthrough to demonstrate how one might fetch attributes from a number of data sources, turning them into roles that could then be used to enforce application access and authorization.

CAS 5.3.0 RC2 Feature Release

...in which I present an overview of CAS 5.3.0 RC2 release.

CAS 5.2.x Deployment - WAR Overlays

Learn how to configure and build your own CAS deployment via the WAR overlay method, get rich quickly, stay healthy indefinitely and respect family and friends in a few very easy steps.

Link CAS OIDC user to existing Database user

In which we show to link OIDC id to LDAP database user.

CAS Multifactor Authentication with Duo Security

A short walkthrough to demonstrate how one might turn on multifactor authentication with CAS using Duo Security, leveraging a variety of triggers.

Deploying Apereo CAS Behind a Proxy

A short tutorial on how to get Apereo CAS deployed behind proxies and load balancers that aim to terminate SSL.

CAS 5.3.0 RC1 Feature Release

...in which I present an overview of CAS 5.3.0 RC1 release.