CAS Vulnerability Disclosure

Disclosure of a security issue with the CAS software.

Checking Out Pull Requests Locally

Check out GitHub pull requests as local branches using a simple bash function.

CAS 6.2.0 RC2 Feature Release which I present an overview of CAS 6.2.0 RC2 release.

Apereo CAS - Authentication Handler Resolution

Learn how to resolve and select authentication handlers based on configurable and flexible filtering criteria.

CAS Vulnerability Disclosure

Disclosure of a security issue with the CAS software.

Apereo CAS - SAML2 Metadata Overrides

Learn how to manage SAML2 service provider registrations in CAS and override metadata artifacts on a per-application basis.

Apereo CAS - Managing Configuration Metadata

Learn how to manage CAS configuration and properties using Spring Boot Configuration metadata.

CAS 6.2.0 RC1 Feature Release which I present an overview of CAS 6.2.0 RC1 release.