Apereo CAS - Service Redirection Strategies

Learn to customize Apereo CAS to modify the default strategy used for redirecting the authentication flow back to relying parties.

Apereo CAS - Service Matching Strategies

Learn to customize Apereo CAS to modify the default strategy used for matching services.

Apereo CAS - Password Management with JDBC

Learn use the Password Management features in Apereo CAS.

Apereo CAS - Simple Multifactor Authentication

Learn to configure Apereo CAS to act as a simple multifactor provider itself.

Apereo CAS 2019 Survey Results

...in which I present a summarized view of the latest CAS community survey.

CAS 6.1.0 RC6 Feature Release

...in which I present an overview of CAS 6.1.0 RC6 release.

Apereo CAS - Managing Services via Git

Learn to configure Apereo CAS to fetch application policy files and service records for its service registry from remote git repositories.

Apereo CAS - Ticket Distribution with JMS

Learn to configure Apereo CAS to JMS and messages queues to broadcast tickets and tokens across a deployment cluster.