Apereo CAS 6.1.x - Attribute Repositories w/ Person Directory

An overview of CAS attribute repositories and strategies on how to fetch attributes from a variety of sources in addition to the authentication source, merge and combine attributes from said sources to ultimately release them to applications with a fair bit of caching.

Apereo CAS 6.1.x - Building CAS Feature Modules

An overview of how various CAS features modules today can be changed and tested from the perspective of a CAS contributor working on the codebase itself to handle a feature request, bug fix, etc.

CAS 6.1.0 RC2 Feature Release

...in which I present an overview of CAS 6.1.0 RC2 release.

Apereo CAS - Riffing on Attribute Release Policies

Learn how to release the kraken of attributes to CAS clients, relying parties and service providers using a variety of attribute release policies and authentication protocols, sampled and collected here to fun and profit.

Apereo CAS - Delegated Authentication to SAML2 Identity Providers

Learn how your Apereo CAS deployment may be configured to delegate authentication to an external SAML2 identity provider.

Apereo CAS - Custom Login Fields w/ Dynamic Bindings

Learn how to extend the Spring Webflow model to add custom fields to the CAS login form and the authentication process and take advantage of the additional user-provided data in customized authentication handlers.

Apereo CAS as an OAuth2 Authorization Server

Learn how to configure CAS as an OAuth2 Authorization Server and configure Spring Boot client app to work with it

Apereo CAS - SAML2 Identity Provider Integration w/ Gitlab (also starting HAProxy and LDAP)

Learn how Apereo CAS may act as a SAML2 identity provider for Gitlab and run everything locally on a workstation with Docker and Java.