CAS OpenID Connect Vulnerability Disclosure

Disclosure of a security issue with the CAS software acting as an OpenID Connect Provider.

CAS OpenID Connect Vulnerability Disclosure

Disclosure of a security issue with the CAS software acting as an OpenID Connect Provider.

CAS Spring Framework RCE Vulnerability Disclosure

Disclosure of the Spring framework RCE security issue with the Apereo CAS software.

CAS OpenID Connect Vulnerability Disclosure

Disclosure of a security issue with the CAS software acting as an OpenID Connect Provider.

CAS Log4J Vulnerability Disclosure

Disclosure of a security issue with the CAS software as a consumer of the Log4j logging framework.

CAS Vulnerability Disclosure

Disclosure of a security issue with the CAS software.

Publish Private CAS Releases

GitHub Actions workflows allow publishing to private repositories.

CAS Vulnerability Disclosure

Disclosure of a security issue with the CAS software.