CAS 5 SAML2 Delegated AuthN Tutorial

Learn how to delegate authentication requests to external SAML2 identity providers.

Busting the Myth - GA Release

Musings on the trustworthiness of a general availability (GA) release and its production-readiness calibre in open source.

CAS Vulnerability Disclosure

Disclosure of a security issue with the CAS administrative endpoints exposure.

CAS 5.1.0 RC2 Feature Release which I present an overview of CAS 5.1.0 RC2 release.

CAS 5 Database Authentication Tutorial

Learn how to configure database authentication in CAS 5.

Intro To CAS Auto Configuration Strategy

A short and painless introduction into how CAS uses Spring Boot to tickle the runtime conditionally.

On The Theory of Possibility

Musings on the definition of Possibility and strategies one may use to empower friends, family and colleagues in open source.

Design CAS-Enabled Custom Protocols

Learn how to design and mass-promote your very own custom authentication protocol, get rich quickly, stay healthy indefinitely and reach a new state of enlightenment in a few very easy steps.