CAS 5.2.0 RC3 Feature Release which I present an overview of CAS 5.2.0 RC3 release.

Do State The Obvious

A short and sweet reminder and explanation of how marketing in tech works.

Stop Writing Code

A legitimate, comprehensive and inescapably detailed account of the spiderweb of deceit in today’s technology scene; The open-source software ecosystem where victims fall prey to the Goldilocks Syndrome of software customizations and home-grown functionality. This guide aims to uncover the deepest darkest secrets of this treacherous path and yet intentionally offers no hopes or viable solutions at all…except one.

CAS 5.1.x User Swap - Cause and Analysis

Travis Schmidt shares an analysis of chasing down a bug in CAS 5.1.x where user identities were swapped.

Summer 2017 uPortal Roadmap Update

Primarily summarizing the Open Apereo 2017 uPortal Roadmap BOF.

Interrupt CAS With Class

An overview of a recent CAS 5.2.x feature that allows one to interrupt the authentication flow with notifications and advertisements, dictating CAS should treat the authenticated session with configuration and compassion.

Let Your Docker Containers Speak

A short story on how to allow a running Docker container to get in touch with home and host.

Better by design 2017: Integrating accessibility across design and development lifecycle

Notes from Karl Groves workshop on integrating a11y across design and development lifecycle at Better By Design 2017.