June 2017 uPortal Slack summary

Summarizing Slack traffic about uPortal in June 2017.

Apereo CAS - Contribution Guidelines

A quick hands-on guide for one to get started with contributing to the development and prosperity of the Apereo CAS project.

CAS 5.2.0 RC1 Feature Release

...in which I present an overview of CAS 5.2.0 RC1 release.

CAS 5 - Maintaining Protocol Compatibility

A short and sweet CAS 5 guide on how to get CAS Protocol v2 to act as v3.

MyUW in 2016 - by the numbers

Reflecting upon MyUW in 2016 as framed by metrics.

CAS Codebase Overview

An overview of the CAS codebase organization and layout in which I also dig into the rationale behind project's efforts on modularization and code decomposition.

CAS 5 Load Tests by Lafayette College

Lafayette College shares the results of stress tests executed against a recent CAS 5.0.x deployment.

Shibbolizing Apereo CAS

Learn about a rather fancy Apereo CAS server deployment, sitting behind the Shibboleth Service Provider.