CAS 5.2.0 RC2 Feature Release which I present an overview of CAS 5.2.0 RC2 release.

July 2017 uPortal Slack summary

Summarizing Slack traffic about uPortal in July 2017.

June 2017 uPortal Slack summary

Summarizing Slack traffic about uPortal in June 2017.

Apereo CAS - Contribution Guidelines

A quick hands-on guide for one to get started with contributing to the development and prosperity of the Apereo CAS project.

CAS 5.2.0 RC1 Feature Release which I present an overview of CAS 5.2.0 RC1 release.

CAS 5 - Maintaining Protocol Compatibility

A short and sweet CAS 5 guide on how to get CAS Protocol v2 to act as v3.

MyUW in 2016 - by the numbers

Reflecting upon MyUW in 2016 as framed by metrics.

CAS Codebase Overview

An overview of the CAS codebase organization and layout in which I also dig into the rationale behind project's efforts on modularization and code decomposition.