
CAS provides a logging facility that logs important informational events like authentication success and failure; it can be customized to produce additional information for troubleshooting. CAS uses the Slf4j Logging framework as a facade for the Log4j engine by default.

The default log4j configuration file is located in src/main/resources/log4j2.xml of the cas-server-webapp-resources source module. In the cas.war it is found at the root of the cas-server-webapp-resources*.jar. The cas-overlay comes with an external log42.xml in etc/cas/config and a property logging.config=file:/etc/cas/config/log4j2.xml set to reference it. By default logging is set to INFO for all functionality related to org.apereo.cas code. For debugging and diagnostic purposes you may want to set these levels to DEBUG or TRACE.

:warning: Production

You should always run everything under WARN. In production warnings and errors are things you care about. Everything else is just diagnostics. Only turn up DEBUG or INFO if you need to research a particular issue.

Actuator Endpoints

The following endpoints are provided: